Long Win Premium Airbus
The facelift exercise aims at providing a comfortable and enjoyable journey for visitors comparable to the ride of a luxury coach. The fitting-out of the interior primarily follows the specification of the bus model, except the change of material finishes and colour scheme. The tone-in-tone approach provides a warm and calm backdrop for the bus. Orange, the corporate colour for the Long Win Bus is adopted for stanchions and handrails, which serve as highlighter running across the whole bus. This also couples the consideration of safety standard by adopting the contrasting colour on orientation and navigation tools.
The livery design identifies the bus components on the existing bus shell. By strategic merging the grey-tinted windows with dark colour paint, colour patches are formed out of the original feature of the bus. The orange accent feature of the interior is also translated as graphic application on the livery design, which gives a stronger definition to the graphic composition and integrates the envelope with the bus interior.
Location: Hong Kong
Client: Long Win Bus Company Limited
Design Year: 2015
Status: Completed in 2016
Programme: Public Transport
PLY Team: Lucia Cheung, Raymond Chan, Yin Ho, Alex Yu
Bus Manufacturer: Alexander Dennis
Bus Model: Alexander Dennis Enviro500 MMC 12M & 12.8M
Photo Credits: office for documentation of built environments